Created various features for Leadr, a start-up focused on developing managers into leaders.
My team and I partnered with Amazon Global Security Operations (GSO) to create the Competency Assessment Tool (CAT), a web-based promotion tracking tool for Amazon Loss Prevention employees.
The CAT received an honorable mention for “Excellence in Technology” at the HCDE Capstone Open House. Role UX Designer, UX Researcher |
I currently work as the UX Designer for the Seattle branch of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association.
Website can be found here. Role UX Designer, Illustrator |
I worked with Techybaths to redesign the company website. Techybaths is a family owned business that creates spa experiences using DTV+ Kohler products.
Role UX Designer, UX Researcher |
Promoting Sustainability through Virtual RealityA VR UX project showing climate change affecting an American City.
I presented my team's research paper based off of this project at the 2020 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference. Research paper can be found here. Role UX Designer, UX Researcher, Concept Artist |